The Commission

Romney Marsh with clouds
30 x 36 Oil/Linen

Here is the commission that I have been working on. Some may remember that I did a large painting similar to this a while ago. I had some cards made and that’s how I got the commission. Tomorrow I shall have to pack up my studio as I leave for Scotland on Thursday!


After our jam-packed long weekend in London, visiting friends, spending time with the kids, going to the museum and the movies, we drove down to Kent to visit an old college friend of mine, Jim, who happens to have MS. I try to visit him every time I come to the UK as he is no longer able to travel. He is a great artist and a wonderful classical guitarist, but sadly his hands don’t work the way they used to. It’s a heart breakingly horrible illness. Jim is the reason I have painted scenes from Romney Marsh on many occasions.

Just after we left him yesterday, Barry and I nipped down to the beach and found these wonderful chalk cliffs. Not surprising really since Jim lives just along the coast from Dover. We were amazed when we stood back to look at this particular grouping… it’s just like San Francisco de Asis Church at Ranchos de Taos (where Barry and I actually met 16 years ago!).

A House Sparrow

House Sparrow
8 x 8 Oil/Linen panel

I felt that I should pay attention to one of our more common birds, the house sparrow. They may be common but their wing markings are certainly quite elaborate!

I am working on a large painting… again. I have had about three different images on it, luckily it’s a wood panel. It’s such an investment to paint a large painting and I wanted to get it right which has proved easier said that done. I am doing another Romney Marsh, but with the emphasis on the clouds. Hopefully it will be the one that works out. So far so good!

Romney Marsh vi

Romney Marsh vi
10 x 12 Oil/Panel

Every now and again I revisited in painting a place that I love. I find that the years in between create a growth in one’s painting and although the scene is the same, there are differences in the final painting.

This is a favourite area of mine. Not so far from Grove Ferry, but different in that it is a wetland area, much of it reclaimed. It has a full and varied history, too much for me to write here, but here is a link for more information if anyone is interested. It is not far from Canterbury, in Kent.