On My Bike!

I made the most of the good weather and got out on my bike today! I have often wondered about the reasons for writing my blog. Is it narcissism? Or a simple way of getting one’s work out there? I can’t claim to passing on much instruction yet, but I am sure this will come. However, today I came to another conclusion…. it helps when one is feeling a little lazy!

Now my son has left, (he is going to Barcelona to study Spanish tomorrow), I allowed myself to succumb to a little jet lag this morning, but I thought… I haven’t posted anything for a day or so, and this was the incentive to get me out of the house. I had such a lovely little bike ride, full of precious vignettes…. a fallen conker (buckeye) next to some daisies, great clouds, (the original reason for going out), and some funny lane names! I hope you enjoy the photos.