Another little bird

I just can’t seem to help myself these days. It’s all about the birds, bees, ducks and sheep! I am really into Pekin Ducks at the moment and will post my latest soon, but thinking of doing a large painting. I also laid out a sheep yesterday. It’s odd. I have had these photos of sheep for a while, but not until now I have I felt drawn to paint them! Way back when we lived in Abiquiu, our neighbours, Rick and Lori owned sheep and I painted a few then, but then none for years. I am also wanting to finish the painting I started of my eldest daughter, Holly. Not sure what’s going on!

Emergence 8 x 24 Oil/Wood Panel

At last a photo of my triptych. I think I am going to start using pastel colours! This was so hard to photograph (and to paint!). Fingers crossed it gets accepted, but I know the competition is enormous, so I am not holding my breath. You have to have a go at least!

I am back in snowy New Mexico now. I have left spring in the UK, with all the daffodils about to burst open for cold New Mexico. It’s so good to be back with my main squeeze after four months absence.

I don’t think there will be much time to relax though. I have loads of paintings I want to do and need to get the house ready to rent.

Painting a wren

6 x 7 Oil/Panel

In my bid to find time to paint, I decided to do some smaller paintings, little gems (I hope!), as Deborah Paris calls them, at night when my Dad is sleeping. Of course I am completely exhausted, but mentally feel more satisfied. Hopefully I can sell these on my blog. This is how the first one went last night, painting a familiar subject for safety reasons! I am not a ‘painting a day’ painter. I don’t think I can avoid glazing which is what I find so wonderful about oil painting, but hopefully these will be more direct and small! Will post the next stage hopefully soon.