My new bike!

I have been going on and on about buying myself a bike… I only have three in New Mexico, but none here. Very annoying! Anyway, I finally gave in and bought it today and late this afternoon took it out on it’s first journey. I caught the sun a little late, but I think it will be great for me to just dash out and get some exercise, which I really need these days and also see things that I don’t see in the car. I felt so good after my little bike ride. I got rid of some cobwebs and my thighs hurt! A sure sign I need to do more.

I am going to post a few of the photos I took.

I am also desperately waiting to get four little paintings back from the framers in Cambridge. I couldn’t get there this weekend, but hopefully I will make it next week. This last week entailed a fair amount of visits of the hospital and doctors for blood tests and check ups. Dad is doing so well that he made a wonderful batch of scones yesterday for the church coffee morning! He is exhausted today though.