Little House in the Woods

Little House in the Woods
12 x 12 Oil/Linen Panel

I think I have been somewhat influenced by all the glorious colour that we have had around us here in New Mexico!! However, I think it may have all gone now, as we had a sprinkling of snow this morning.

I am happy to say that on the Saturday opening of the Albuquerque Museum Miniature show, one of my paintings sold. I am hoping in the coming weeks the other two will also sell.


Season of Mists
9 x 15 Oil/Linen panel

I just love this time of the year. Both here and in the UK. All the beautiful horse chestnut trees and the conkers on the ground in the UK and here, the cottonwoods are just a perfect gold. There is a wonderful bosque near where I play tennis at lunchtime with my friend Sue, and we often stop to marvel at the beauty of the yellow and the blue of the New Mexico sky. How lucky we are.